
So you sell Pro Clima membranes – what else do you do at Climasure?

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At Climasure, we are South Australia’s only distributor for the market leading Pro Clima building membranes, but that’s not all we do.  This is an important part of our business, but the why is more important than the what.  There’s a reason Climasure was started in 2019.  There is a reason we sell these membranes.

We are a team of design and construct professionals who have a strong desire to ensure that Australian building stock is created with the correct knowledge, detailing and construction technique informing decisions to produce healthy buildings and peace of mind.  Whether you are a builder, architect or home owner, we have the knowledge to help you reduce risks that have been ingrained into the Australian building industry.  The current standards are doing their best, but there is still a long way to go before the minimum NCC provisions create healthy, durable and energy efficient buildings.  We can get you the rest of the way.

We provide the following consultancy services:

  • PHPP (Passive House Planning Package)
  • WUFI (hygrothermal simulation)
  • Thermal bridging calculations
  • Blower door testing and design advice
  • On site construction advice

PHPP (Passive House Planning Package)

Our team are Passive House certified through Smart Plus Academy and are qualified to run your project through PHPP to determine whether your project can meet the requirements of Passiv Haus certification.

WUFI (hygrothermal simulation)

Mould is an insidious problem, much like termites.  The problem can appear within your wall cavity affecting the integrity of your structure and the health of the occupants long before you are aware of it.  WUFI is a German software program that models wall and roof build ups and assesses mould risk for up to a 100 year period.  We can tell you the risk level of your wall design for mould and condensation far into the future, and advise you on how to reduce or eliminate this risk, giving you the peace of mind that comes with a healthy home.

Thermal bridging calculations

Thermal bridging occurs in areas of a building where the materials have a higher thermal conductivity than those around them and is a significant course of heat loss and gain within a typical dwelling, leading to lower thermal comfort and higher heating and cooling costs.  We will run your problem area through a computer simulation program called Flixo to determine the severity of the thermal bridge and from there, can help you to solve it.

Blower door testing and design advice  Climasure blower door test

Air tightness is the underpinning element of healthy and energy efficient buildings.  An airtight building envelope separates indoor air from outdoor air, giving you much improved control over the quality and temperature of the indoor air, while preventing your expensive conditioned air from disappearing out of the gaps and cracks that should not be there.  Air also carries moisture with it, so air tightness is a significant factor in preventing moisture issues inside your walls.  We can help you to identify your air barrier in a desktop plan review, help you execute on site by educating trades and running an experienced eye over the details, and then we can blower door test your building afterwards to see how well our strategy worked and give you a quantified air leakage result (Air Changes per Hour).

On site construction advice 

The above consulting is all well and good, WUFI simulations, thermal bridging, desktop plan reviews, even PHPP.  It’s all extremely valuable information, but without correct execution, it’s all a bit of a waste of time.  We will help you close the “performance gap”, which is the term used in this industry for the difference between what is designed and what is built.  We will do this by coming to your worksite and having conversations with supervisors and trades to answer questions.  We can identify potential problems before they are closed into the building envelope.  We can help you problem solve and ensure you understand correct installation of the Pro Clima membranes in particular, so you don’t inadvertently void your warranty.

If you think that your business or projects would benefit from the expertise here at Climasure – give us a call or flick us an email.  We’d love to hear from you.

Or sign up to our mailing list – no spam, we promise.

Climasure   |   177 Mt Barker Road, Hahndorf   |   0409 404 924   |

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Jessica Allen

Our goal is to improve the comfort, health and energy efficiency of buildings across Australia by offering solutions that protect both the environment and the structure.

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